Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are serious conditions that are preventable but often go undiagnosed, resulting in illness, disability, and even death. This lecture focuses on reviewing risk factors, symptoms, and subgroups of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Included is up-to-date information about how VTE affects COVID-19-positive and pediatric patients, as well as critically ill patients and patients with cancer. Additionally, the talk provides a thorough review of the different technologies utilized in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of embolisms including chest X-rays and ventilation-perfusion scans. The offering also reviews anticoagulant and thrombolytic therapy.
Lastly, this session includes information on how to utilize tools like the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), Wells’ Score, and HESTIA criteria, which aid in risk assessment, diagnosis, and outpatient treatment.