Improving Glycemic Control: Management of Inpatient Hyperglycemia

Medicine Diabetes



Contact Hours: 1.25 contact hours of Continuing Education (which includes 1 hour of pharmacology)

1.25 Contact hours

3 months of access (renewable)

Printable handouts

5-item quiz

100% online

Don’t miss this presentation on glycemic control in hospitalized patients! This session will expand upon your ability to efficiently address barriers in the management of inpatients with diabetes. Expert advice and current guidelines from leading organizations, including the American Diabetes Association, will refresh your knowledge and advance your clinical skills in correcting and regulating high blood sugar levels in your patients.

Insulin regimens are presented in detail, with graphic charts that illustrate proposed management plans. Step-by-step case studies augment the presentation and are set alongside question sets that test your understanding of diabetes management.
Included in this talk are the following topics:

  • Potential harms associated with inpatient hyperglycemia and the importance of hyperglycemic control
  • Detailed information on designing individualized insulin regimens, including specific preparations and medications (e.g., short-acting, long acting)
  • Fixed rate and adjustment factor nomograms
  • Risk factors for hypoglycemia

What Makes
Our CE
"Simply the Best!"

Features concise up-to-date lectures with full slideshows

Lecture handouts (available to download and print)

One month to complete from time of purchase.

Fast forward/rewind capability so you can be sure to master the material

Full screen capability; perfect for tablet users

Access on your computer immediately!

Portable: Carry with you on your smartphone or laptop

Obtain needed CE and pharmacology contact hours

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